Today I started reading the Chronological Bible and of course it begins in Genesis. I read and re-read Chapter 3 and studied numerous commentaries about the fall of mankind. This year, my goal is to soak up the Word of God like never before…I want to dive deep…soaking it up. I hope you will join me as I travel through the pages of this best seller…The Bible. I want to “read between the lines” and understand the ways of the Lord more clearly through each reading. I’m not sure why I’m so intrigued by Chapter 3, but the deception by Satan to Eve reminds me so much of today’s generation. Let me explain.
Many years ago, families went to church regularly, studied the Bible, listened to sermons at church, on the radio and even on television with Billy Graham crusades. The Word of God was important to us…and we wanted to honor it. Nowadays, we have done a poor job of relaying the Bible and it’s teaching down to our children and/or grandchildren. We give them the highlights like Adam did to Eve…to not go near the tree in the midst of the garden (he didn’t even tell her the name of it)…He didn’t really explain what God had said about it…he gave her the highlights. In doing that, she misquoted God (saying she couldn’t touch the fruit…which God did not say) and was easily deceived by Satan. He twisted around what she THOUGHT she knew and made her think that she wouldn’t die by eating the fruit on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Oh, isn’t that the world we live in? We are easily deceived into thinking that we know what God says, because we have memorized a few verses (maybe out of context) or sat in a couple of Sunday School classes in Kindergarten. Then, we sit back and wonder why the world is in such decay and why evil is so prevalent. God’s Word is deep, my friends. If it isn’t embedded into our hearts and into our lives, we are so much more susceptible to the attacks from the enemy. He is far more cunning that you and I…all the power we have against him is found in Christ. Don’t rely on this world to tell you what God says is right or wrong…don’t get in a discussion with the devil…as he has a way of exposing our incomplete understanding of God and His Word. Want to start out 2019, right? Don’t give Satan a foothold this year. How do I do that, you ask?
Get in God’s Word…
Study it…
Hide it in your heart…
And when you need to, throw it back in the devil’s face!