A corner of creativity and inspiration

God’s Buffet

Yesterday at church there was a statement made about God’s Word being an “all you can eat” buffet. I got this mental picture of the plethora of food you find when you go to a place like that. From salads and steak to pizza and potatoes! There’s so much to digest! However, there is one particular buffet that has a chocolate fountain…flowing with rich, milk chocolate for you to dip your strawberries or any other fruit under for a delicious treat! If I do happen to visit said place, I make it a point to visit the chocolate fountain. It’s the best part of the buffet, in my humble opinion.

As I was reading this morning Paul’s letter to the church in Thessalonica, I was particularly fond of 2:13, that says:

“This is why we constantly thank God, because when you received the message about God that you heard from us, you welcomed it not as a human message, but as it truly is, the message of God, which also works effectively in you believers.”

You see, we could pay our $11.99 to walk into the buffet and find us a seat, yet never walk over and pick up a plate and taste all the wonderful foods laid out before us and experience fullness. We could decide that dessert isn’t for us and not taste the sweetness of the chocolate covered strawberries from the fountain. We could watch everyone around us taking in everything the buffet has for them, while we sit back and watch. But we all know that’s not how a buffet works.

Well guess what? God’s Word is the same way. Your Bible is not meant to sit on the coffee table and collect dust or be a drink coaster. It is there for us to open, so that God can serve us scripture that will fill us up spiritually! Sometimes it may not taste as we expected and sit well on our stomach, but it is always what we need to help us grow in Him. But when it is sweet, like that chocolate covered strawberry, and I sit an savor every word that comes from the page because I know it is just what I needed…a message from God…I can’t help but go back for more! There is always something in God’s Word for you to eat and you won’t go hungry there, friend! I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be the person that sits back and watches everyone else receive all that God has for them. I want every good thing He gives! I want to taste it all!

Friend, God has given you an “all you want to take” buffet of his abundant blessings if you believe and trust Him! Don’t miss out on one drop of His goodness! You know what is the best part about walking into the “buffet of blessings” that God has waiting for you? It’s absolutely free! Just trust Him to provide an endless supply of plates…you just got to GET UP and FILL THEM UP! Welcome yourself to the Word of God and it’s plethora of blessings!

Whose feeling like a buffet today? I’ll meet you there. If you can’t find me, just look for me at the chocolate fountain with strawberries in hand.😉