A corner of creativity and inspiration

Half Truths

Job’s friend Elihu had a lot to say about God in Chapter 35 this morning. He talked about God’s character, but unfortunately he used many half truths. He talked about how God is transcendent: He is high and lofty, governing from His heavenly throne. But God is not only transcendent. He is also immanent, meaning our God is genuinely interested in creation and longs to be in intimate fellowship with it. 
Sometimes I find myself only believing in half truths when it comes to God and who He is. We want to believe that He is loving and He is interested in our lives, until something bad happens (like it did to Job) and then we question His character and concern for us. We know He is on the throne as the ultimate governing authority over the world, yet we want to diminish His sovereignty and think He isn’t bigger than our circumstances.

Half truths are still whole lies. If we are going to know the truth about our Lord, we must be willing to understand His character and know that He is mighty and sees the big picture, but He is also capable of understanding the little frustrations of our life. God knows everything, but still wants to hear about our day!

Don’t believe the lies that this world tries to throw at you about God…cling to what you know to be true from experiences in your own life and what you read in His Word! Pinocchio told lots of lies, but what the Bible says is as plain as the nose on your face!