A corner of creativity and inspiration

Hang in There!

We are good at “hanging in there”. I hear Christians say that a lot…I’ve heard myself say it. God didn’t send His Son to hang and die on a cross, so we can just “hang on” one more day…”hang in there” or “claw” our way through life.

In Romans 8, Paul says that we are more than conquerors through Jesus!



Then why don’t we act like it? Why do we forget to walk by the faith we proclaim?

Paul goes on to say that he is persuaded that not even death, life, angels, rulers, things present, things in the future, hostile powers, height, depth or any other created thing has the power to separate you from the love of Christ Jesus our Lord! Those are victorious words…not “end of the rope” words! Nothing can separate you from the love of Jesus.


I know it’s hard to see yourself as a conqueror when you feel as though you are at the end of your rope. It feels anything but victorious. But here’s the thing…when you rely on your own little paws to keep you moving along life’s rope, you will always feel as though you are slipping and losing your grip. God has already made you a winner through Jesus’ death and resurrection. If He can conqueror death, He can surely conqueror any problem you are facing. Don’t just hang there…pull yourself up and remind yourself of the words of Roman 8:31-39. Write it out.

Put it on your bathroom mirror. Read it aloud.

Put it on the dash in your car. Read it aloud.

Read it everyday until you are hanging on those words, instead of your problems.

The Word of God has the power to change your situations and increase your faith so you will no longer say “hanging in there”, but you will boldly say, “walking and winning by faith”!