Job 29:2-3 (NIV) “How I long for the months gone by, for the days when God watched over me, when his lamp shone on my head and by his light I walked through darkness!”
Sometimes like Job, we reminisce about happier times, when we feel like God had His hand upon our lives and things were working out the way we had planned. Also like Job, we think about when those Happy Days will return. Truth is, if you are child of God, He never takes His hand off your life and we must realize that His ways are not our ways! Just because things don’t go the way we have planned, doesn’t mean that it isn’t what is best for us!
“The God who blessed us in the past is present with us in the now, and will lead us in our great future. Our past, including present suffering, is a precursor to the amazing new things God has in store for us.” Wendy Pope (First 5)
Our Happy Days shouldn’t be dependent upon our mood, what trials we face, or how our past has affected us. Everyday with Jesus is a Happy Day! True joy is found in Him…not in our circumstances.
The best thing is (we haven’t gotten to the good part in Job, just yet) that when we are faithful through the suffering that comes our way, the Happy Days will return and the blessings will be like the Fonzie used to say, “Perfectamundo!”
Don’t throw out the old records, because they remind you of where you have been…but don’t forget to drop a quarter in the jukebox, “Rock Around the Clock”, and trust God for better days ahead!