The sermon Sunday was in 1 Samuel 16 when David is appointed to replace Saul as the new King of Israel. The pastor that was speaking said, “Your worship will blind your enemies” as he talked about Saul and David. I liked that statement so I jotted it down. You see, Saul was pretty arrogant. During his rule, He thought that he knew better than everyone, including God. So, when the Lord declared that Samuel (the prophet) fill his horn with oil and go and anoint a new king, Samuel was a little worried. He knew that Saul would probably try to kill him, but God told him to invite Jesse and his sons to the sacrifice and there he would anoint a new king. Samuel went through all the sons, until it come to David, that was out tending sheep in the field. He was just a little boy, but God was with him. King Saul wasn’t going to like this appointment of a new King. But God always works things out, doesn’t He? Saul ended up being tormented with depression (an evil spirit) and David was brought in to play for him to soothe away the evil spirit. Don’t you just love how God works? When he got in the palace, he found favor with Saul and was made his armor-bearer. God was preparing David for battle and also to be a great military leader as King! This little shepherd boy from the field is moving on up in the place!
I love that God’s plan for our life will always come to fruition. He has a way of working things out for our good, just like getting David inside the palace to learn the inner-workings of being King…all because Saul needed someone to soothe him with songs! Now, Saul eventually despised David after he defeated Goliath and was praised after he returning home. Saul knew God was with David and vowed to try and kill him on multiple occasions even after making him a commander. Even then, God protected David and he was able to evade Saul and his attempts to end his life.
I said all that to say…Keep your focus on Jesus. Not on your enemies. Let God handle them. Your worship will blind them (figuratively) to the workings of God and the Holy Spirit in your life. When you are pursuing God, don’t worry about what is pursuing you…it is behind you. God had a plan for David and believe it or not, He has a plan for you! The strength of God is not measured in how much you think you can do, but in how much you KNOW God can do! If he can take small stones from the hand of a child and defeat a giant, then God can defeat the giants in your life, too! Just as Saul knew the hand of God was on David’s life, your naysayers also see God working in you. Just keep your eyes on Jesus…before you know it, they will be knocked off their feet…struck down. They can’t destroy God’s plan for your life…the horn filled with oil has been poured on your life. There is blessing in moving forward with God’s plans for you!