A corner of creativity and inspiration


Sunday was Palm Sunday and as I sat in church listening to the music and the message preached, my heart was overflowing with gratitude for my Savior. 
I get proud sometimes. I get worked up and overly excited and have been called “blunt” or maybe speaking before I had a chance to think. Here lately I feel like I have done more of that because life seems to get in the way. I’ve seen some anger and bitterness creep in and rear it’s ugly head after working hard to put it behind me. Those words of truth from someone that loves me and has always displayed humility and grace made me remember the attitude of Christ. I go into this week feeling very humbled, ashamed and my heart softened. My Savior who deserves nothing short of the best, chose to make his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the colt of an ass (donkey)…a symbol of humility and peace. Kind of an oxymoron, considering I feel like a donkey’s south end (sorry, I can’t help with that bluntness) many days and anything but humble…at times even looking for a fight. I want to be more like the Jesus on that donkey each day…full of humility.

My prayer is that my focus is not on dying eggs, but a Savior who was entering the city to die. His life for mine. He is worthy of more praise that we can begin to comprehend! Just because He chose to come in riding the lowest of animals, doesn’t diminish His glory and power. Don’t let the way He comes in distract you from how He will come out!