A corner of creativity and inspiration

James 2

In James 2:7, it is written that faith without works is dead by itself. Meaning…if we have faith, then there should be evidence of our faith displayed in our lives. James also says that Abraham was justified (proved) by his faith when he offered Isaac on the altar as a sacrifice. Faith will display obedience to God every time…even when it hurts or doesn’t make sense.

Think about the last television show or movie that you watched. Somewhere behind the scenes there is a director with a cinema clapperboard that he uses to start a scene…usually with the word, “ACTION!” We all know that this gives the signal to everyone on stage to begin doing what they are supposed to do for that particular scene. Now, picture you sitting on your couch watching this show and you know something should be happening, but all the actors are just standing there and saying,

“I know my lines.”

“I studied really hard.”

“I understand what I should be doing, but I really don’t feel like it.”

They know what they should be doing and they are well-versed in the script, yet they make no move or action toward displaying what they know!

Well, that’s how we are when we say that we love God and have faith in the finished work on the cross, but do absolutely nothing when God has called us to move in accordance with His will. When God says, “ACTION!”, He is talking about obedience through faith. Faith takes place on the inside and is manifested to those around us through our talk and walk. Think about it…an actor can say that they know their lines, but until they actually say them and complete a scene, how can we truly know they did, if they only choose to stand on stage and not open their mouth about what they know?

As Christians, we know about the saving knowledge of Jesus and how he has transformed our lives, kept us and blessed us richly…yet we will look over someone that needs our help, allow innocent babies to die or treat someone that doesn’t believe the same way we do like garbage. We are quick to judge, react and make assumptions daily when we do not think with the mind of Christ. If we say the Holy Spirit lives within us, then why aren’t we acting like it?

Faith without works (action) is dead. Show love and life to someone today. Let the faith that you know in your heart be displayed for your audience to see. Not for applause…but that others may come to know Christ on a personal level.

Now, that’s worth a standing ovation!