A corner of creativity and inspiration

Jehovah Jireh

For the most part, we are a people who rarely think about “not having”. We have never had to worry about provisions or going to the store and seeing empty shelves with no promise of when more bread, hamburger meat or toilet paper will be readily available. Everything has always been at our fingertips. Over the last couple of weeks, provisions and supply have been at the forefront of our minds, as we feel we are in a state of sacrifice. We have a lot of questions that seemingly are going unanswered.
In Genesis 22, when Abraham took Isaac to Moriah and built an altar to sacrifice his only son at the direction of God, I am sure he had a lot of questions. He was a faithful man, but can you imagine his heart in that moment? I would like to say that I would have the faith to do what Abraham did, but my heart would be breaking into a million pieces. Now, just as Abraham takes out the knife to kill his son, God speaks to Him. I love what Abraham says to God, “Here I am”. God tells him not to harm his son and he spots a ram in the thicket caught by its horns. This ram is killed as a sacrifice in place of Isaac. God provided a substitute sacrifice. Abraham named that place, “The Lord will provide”…and our God, Jehovah Jireh.
How big is our faith?
Is it enough to lay down everything that we have, because we know God will provide a substitute for that which we may lose?
Is our faith strong enough to carry us forward in the coming days, not sure of our job situation, food supply and safety from sickness?
When I first learned that I may not be able to work at all (due to restrictions) and thinking in my mind of how as a small business one month can break you, I always had this peace that God would provide for me. I just said, “God, I am here…I know You have a plan.” I trusted Him, because in my 39 years He has NEVER let me down. Did I always get my way?…NO…but, He has never not provided. He gave me a “ram in the thicket” in the form of something I have been wanting to try, but just have not had the time to do (virtual classes). He opened up a door that will offer more in my business going forward. He did for me what He did for Abraham…he multiplied his offspring like the stars in the sky…for me, he multiplied my ability to grow my business in a time of lack! Now, that’s MY GOD!
Stop stressing over what you could possibly lose or what you don’t have and trust God.
He will take poverty and offer endless provision.
He will take what you thought was subtracted and multiply it exponentially.
He will take your sacrifice and provide salvation.
He is your Jehovah Jireh. Your provider. All you need to say is, “Here I am.” Your ram is in the thicket, but first your faith must be in God.