A corner of creativity and inspiration

Job 37

We pay attention to everything except the things that matter most days. We give our time and energy to those areas in our life that will amount to stubble in the eyes of God the majority of the time. What should we pay attention to, though? 
Today Elihu tells Job (and the reader) that we should notice the world around us and the power of God through it. The amazing world that God created forus is full of wonder, awe and majesty!

At the sound of God’s voice, creation is attentive and does as He commands. But what about man? Well, we are too worried about making sure that we have a new outfit to wear on a special night out, putting our kids in front of the television so they don’t bother us, or finding a new rant on social media. All of those keep us from focusing on just how great God truly is and how we should desire to honor His commandments and His will for our lives.

Let’s refocus on what’s important today in the eyes of God. Let’s not allow the hustle of life to keep us moving at such a fast pace that we miss out on the delights He’s set before us. When suffering comes (as it had with Job), let’s remember God’s goodness and not be frightened by the unexpected storms of life. His creation is there to remind us of His sustaining power, faithfulness and expression of glory. I refuse to allow the storms of my life to keep me from experiencing all my Savior has for me on earth and in heaven!

Job 37:14 “Listen to this, Job; stop and consider God’s wonders.”