A corner of creativity and inspiration

John 16:33

I haven’t been full of much peace lately…I mean, don’t hear what I’m not saying…the peace of Jesus is within me, but I have allowed a lot of anger and hurt to take over, especially the last several months. Kevin reminded me yesterday to not let those feelings control me, because I can’t control what other people do…and it doesn’t hurt them, it only hurts me. Being completely transparent, I am hurting emotionally…because I want to fix everything. I want to make things right. It’s my nature. However, as I sat down at my desk today trying my best to study, I found myself looking at scriptures to help with anger and bitterness. I couldn’t even focus. However, God kept pointing me back to John 16:33 and I just kept repeating it over and over aloud and in my head.

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcame the world.”

Yes. Yes, He has. He holds the world in the palm of His hands. I think I have forgotten how big He is…well, no, I haven’t…I have just chose to focus on how mad I am at situations beyond my control and how they affect those that I love so dearly. Instead of praying earnestly, I found myself asking God to “take care of it” when I need to take care of my own feelings. He is the King of the world…He is sitting on His throne. He’s in control. I’m not in control…as much as I would like to be. I’ve tried to take my life into my own hands, instead of allowing God to move when He is ready to move. I will have tribulations (sufferings) in this world, I know, but I am reminded that Jesus overcame the world. His peace is inside of me…and when peace is the furthest thing from my mind, I must not exalt my problems and make my God seem small, but exalt my God and all my problems begin to become smaller and smaller! God isn’t just holding onto the world, He’s holding on to you and me. He will take care of those situations in due time…just keep trusting Him and don’t allow yourself to lose focus on growing in faith through Jesus.

Maybe you needed that reminder like me today.
God’s gotcha, girl. Focus on Him…He’s a lot bigger than this world and our problems. Plus, people are crazy…and we can’t control their crazy. 😉
