A corner of creativity and inspiration


Yesterday during Sunday School and worship service there was mention of the church of Laodecia in Revelation (3:14-22). I always pray and ask God to give me something to take away from the sermon to apply to my week. Since Laodecia was mentioned twice, I figured I would do a little reading today to see what else God has for me there. When God smacks you over the face, it hurts. He gave me something from yesterday and in my study this afternoon, so of course I share.

There was an illustration given during the sermon about a juggler of sorts…with the spinning plates on their head, in their hands and on their feet…I know you know what I’m talking about. Well, that’s how the lukewarm church of Laodecia was. They were juggling life…self-righteous and had the mentality that they needed nothing (3:17) You see, they were wealthy, but because of that wealth they had become complacent, prideful and self-sufficient (in their own minds). That’s how we get a lot of times when we are juggling life. We are thinking to ourselves, “I got this!”, “I don’t need help!” We have plates spinning all over the place, doing a balancing act…all because we fail to have our priorities in check. Yes, we have to work, take care of our families, focus on loving on our husbands and occasionally lock the bathroom door and soak in the tub until the water gets cold…can I get an Amen?!?! But above all that, we must remember where our strength comes from to do all those things! Without God, balancing those plates of life just wouldn’t be possible! Don’t neglect to spend time stacking plates of prayer, studying God’s Word and being Jesus to those around you. I should be prepping for supper, but I am choosing to read and learn more about my Savior, so I can balance all the spinning plates that life throws my way! God will redeem any time spent with Him…I have seen it in my own life. Feel like you don’t have enough time, spend a few moments with Him and you will realize how many of the plates you have been spinning should be dropped…’cause honestly they aren’t that important. Time with God changes your viewpoint, your goals, and how you choose to spend your day.

Whether we want to admit it or not, we are not self-sufficient. We are just like Laodecia…wretched, pitiful, blind and naked (verse 17). Without God, we are incapable of breathing, yet we refuse to rely on Him daily to balance the everyday items that seem so mundane. If He can create this world and keep it spinning on its axis, He is able to make sure I tackle my to-do list…to keep those plates spinning in my life. Just take a few moments with Him each day. Let’s keep our priorities “in check” and remember while OUR hands are full…our lives are in HIS hands.