“The man’s steps are established by the Lord, and He takes pleasure in his way. Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed, because the Lord holds his hand.” -Psalm 37:23-24
Just like the ballet dancer with her choreographed moves across the floor, God has a plan for each day that He allows us to be on this side of eternity. Don’t allow a lack of knowledge of His choreography, a few falls on the floor or a misstep to keep you from living your purpose.
God has a mission for you to complete.
When you feel like your spiritual feet can’t take anymore punishment, just remember that the Lord is holding your hand and continue dancing. I got a sweet reminder last night that someone is always watching your dance in this life. You can allow life to overwhelm you or you can trust God’s timing and wisdom and keep moving those feet forward. I can’t promise you it will always be graceful, but you’ve got this!
The best part, when you are finished and the crowd sees the finished work in you, they will be in awe at what God has done! A standing ovation just may be in order!