A corner of creativity and inspiration

Leaping Walls

Last night’s message was from Psalm 18. Now, I have read through it before, but several verses encouraged my spirit and I couldn’t help but think someone else needed to hear them.

Maybe you feel defeated?

Maybe life has you feeling like you are in a dark hole with no light above?

What about the feeling of enemies all around you…just waiting for you to fall flat on your face?

Well, I encourage you to read Psalm 18. As a child of God, you will be reminded of so many wonderful truths about our God! Let me just give you a few that you can live on today:

He rescues you from your enemy (verse 17).

He is your support when confronted with distress (verse 18)

He will illuminate your darkness (verse 28).

With God you can attack barriers and leap over walls (verse 29). My personal favorite 😉

He makes your way perfect (verse 32).

He frees you from your enemies (verse 45).

Now, I could sit here and list more, but I want you to read it for yourself. Take five minutes and read it. Read it out loud. Let the words of David sink deep into your spirit and remind you that God has your back! Don’t allow your enemies, your mind or the devil himself to play tricks on who you know God has been in your life! I have seen Him first hand knock down towering walls and free me from those who tried to destroy me. He can do the same for you! How you ask?


Give God the place He deserves in your life and trust Him to empower you to leap walls, not limited by barriers. That is my God! He has the supernatural power to do unbelievable things in this world using you as a vessel. You are limited on your own, but with God guiding your steps, your feet are made like that of a deer (verse 33) and He will set you on new heights. Be prepared, though. The view standing on top of that wall is breathtaking…because it allows you to see how far you jumped in faith. You can stand looking over the edge knowing that the only way you got to where you are is by the mighty hand of God.

Don’t start this day scratching and clawing at the walls you are standing in front of at this moment. He wants to bring you out…He is your support (verse 18)…He will give you the “push” you need to leap over to the other side in victory!