You ever met someone that never complains? They always have something positive to say and you never hear them same anything negative?
If we are honest, it’s hard to find folks like that nowadays. We are so impatient and like things “our way”. We are constantly finding fault with what everyone else is doing.
In James 5:7-9 he says, “therefore, brothers, be patient until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth and is patient with it until it receives the early and the late rains. You also much be patient. Strengthen your hearts, because the Lord’s coming is near. Brothers, do not complain about one another, so that you will not be judged. Look, the judge stands at the door!
We have lost all sense of patience, haven’t we? We have become accustomed to getting everything instantly that we don’t know how to wait on anything…and that includes the Lord. The effects of not being patient is grumbling (murmuring or muttering). Today’s grumbling is done mostly behind a computer screen instead of under our breath. We as Christians do a lot of grumbling…sometimes we are the worst ones! Wonder why? We supposedly have the love of Jesus living within us, but we can’t seem to be content. Maybe it’s because we are still living by the wisdom of the world? We often live with the perspective that we should do whatever it takes to get what we want…no matter how it affects others. Lack of contentment in ourselves leads to grumbling. Grumbling leads to jealously. Selfish people are jealous, grumbling people.
Listen…as Christians, it is not about what we want…it’s about what we can do for God. It’s about changing our mindset from self to a whole-hearted desire to serve Him, no matter in what way it may be! Remember, what comes out of our mouth comes forth from our heart and it can defile a man (Matt. 5:18). Our grumblings are a direct reflection of our heart.
If all you do is complain…
check your heart.
If all you do is find fault in everyone else…
check your heart.
If everything you say and do is motivated by selfishness…
check your heart.
James says the Lord’s coming is near. The judge stands at the door. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be grumbling when the trumpet sounds. I don’t want to be remembered for complaints about everything and everyone, but for bragging on Jesus!
We can’t expect God to bless us with the big stuff when we are constantly complaining about the little stuff.
There’s enough grumbling these days…let’s be doers, not just hearers. You can always find bad…but focus on the good in someone or a situation today.