In John 20, Jesus appeared to the disciples behind locked doors after Thomas was doubting that He was alive. Have you had those moments when you just locked the doors to your soul and decided that there was no way Jesus could penetrate “that hurt” in your life and find you a key to unlocking true peace? Thomas had to see Jesus to believe that He was risen from the tomb. Well, sometimes it is that way with us…we have to see Jesus unlock doors that were barricaded shut within our lives for us to believe His power and feel His peace. When we come into His presence in that confined space within our hearts and we see, just like Thomas, we can only say, “My Lord and My God!” He gets the glory and our heart’s door is broken off the hinges!
Live in the comfort today that God can come to you, no matter where you are hidden and how locked away you feel you have become from His presence. Maybe you have felt God jiggle the doorknob a time or two, but couldn’t muster up the courage to trust who was on the other side…it can be difficult…I get that. But when you get on your knees and peek though that keyhole…Jesus is holding the key of peace in His hands…He is just waiting on you to open the door from the inside.
Jesus said to him (Thomas), “Have you believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
John 20:29