A corner of creativity and inspiration

Lover of my Soul

Take a minute to think about the best compliment you have ever received?

Last night during a paint class, I was talking to a lady about life and painting and just getting to know her a little better because I have painted with her several times. We started talking about God and how she has rededicated her life to Jesus and she said, “I feel like God wants me to tell you this…maybe you just need to hear it. She said, keep doing what you are doing…I can see God all over you.”

My response was, “That is the best compliment anyone has ever given me.” It gave me chills. What she didn’t realize, I have been praying that God would be seen through me and that I can be a witness and testimony for Him. I have let Him down so many times and sometimes feel like a failure in so many ways. I don’t know why she chose to tell me that, but I chose to share it not to brag on myself, but on Jesus. When The Holy Spirit tells you to do or say something to someone, just do it. It might be “just what they need” to get through the day. 

Maybe you need to hear that Jesus loves you. He is the lover of your soul. I’m paying it forward this morning with a simple, “You are loved.” Not just by me, but by Jesus. God has you right where He wants you and for a purpose. Keep going. Keep pushing. You are going to love where He is taking you.

“The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3