A corner of creativity and inspiration

Matching Our Movements to God’s Will

We are pretty good at planning out our lives. Jobs, marriage, kids, cars, houses…we make moves a lot of times without ever taking the time to consult with God. We do a good job of crafting our moves carefully so that we can produce results that we are pleased with at the end of the day. But the question is, do we take the time in all the moving around to consult with God. On Sunday my pastor made a statement about how we treat God like “a puppet on a string”. We are good at making moves and then expecting a certain outcome. Then, when the result of our movements don’t live up to our expectations we blame God or we lose respect and trust for the whole “faith process”. That’s not exactly what the sermon was about, but it was so impressed upon my heart to focus on always testing my movements…my plans…to the scriptures. If my plans are always sought with honoring God and following His Word, I will always produce movements that give me an outcome that pulls me closer to my Creator. Here’s a hard reality for us…God will not bless something that does not line up with His Word. That’s not Ashlee talking…that’s Biblical truth. When we try to put ourselves in the role of God and order our own movements and steps, we are making a mockery out of God and his sovereignty…just clowning around, basically. We know God is sovereign, but before we can dance in His sovereignty, we must be willing to lay down the “strings of control” in our lives and submit to the Lord…letting Him control our every move! God wrote the script on our lives and His promises for us are outlined in His Word. We must choose to open it up, study it, memorize it so that we will recognize exactly where God wants us to go…what steps to take each and every day! We like to the be the star of our own show many days, when we must come to a place of realization that our lives aren’t about us, but about Him. He deserves the all the glory!

If you are reading this today and are struggling with a move you are wanting to make, about to make or not sure if you should take within an area of your life, test it against the Word of God. Pray to Him about it. Seek His will. Just because we want something we perceive as good, doesn’t mean that it is God’s will for our lives. We may plan our moves, but it is God who defines what is right and just. Don’t focus so much on trying to make moves for God, but make room for Him to work in your life according to His Word and His promises. We must live a life devoted to faith in God and not in “pulling strings” here or there looking for an expected outcome.

“Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” Proverbs 19:20-21