A corner of creativity and inspiration

No Favors

Sometimes we just want God to “do us a solid”…or “give us a break”…because we have been faithful to Him, just like Hezekiah the King. We pray, we seek His counsel, but we still feel like we are left in a dire straits with no explanation. We get a little prideful and forget where God has brought us from and that just maybe we earned a little favor from God. Well, unfortunately…just cause you show up to the “righteousness party”, doesn’t earn you favor with God! God hears our prayers, but that doesn’t give us the right to think we can “toot our own horn” and feel we have earned an audience with Him. God answers our prayers because He is faithful to act according to His will and purpose for our lives. God doesn’t respond to use because of anything we have done, but simply because of WHO HE IS. The good thing is, we can always count on Him to show up when He is invited!

“I don’t know about you, but every now and again, I need to be reminded that God doesn’t “owe” me any favors, just like He didn’t “owe” Hezekiah any favors. There’s nothing any of us can do to “earn” His favor either. God’s grace and favor are sheer gifts. All we can do is open our hands to receive from Him with heartfelt thanks.” 
-Denise Hughes (First 5 app)

2 Kings 19:34
“I will defend this city and rescue it for My sake and for the sake of My servant David.”