A corner of creativity and inspiration

Not for Sale

I know I’m not the only one to pick myself apart in the mirror. Sometimes I feel like it is ingrained in a woman when she is born to be critical of herself. We are so quick to “discount” ourselves or choose our value based on what others may think. As I have mentioned before, I pickup on little statements from a sermon or something that others may by-pass. I call them “nuggets”. Probably cause I like chicken nuggets…but that’s neither here or there.
God gave me something during Sunday School yesterday. The teacher made the statement, “God doesn’t create junk.” Well, I’ve heard it before, but we were in Genesis where God created man. I took a few notes and I hope this helps someone today.

“Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, all of the earth and the creatures that crawl the earth.” So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female. God blessed them…”. Genesis 2:26-28

Bear with me a minute cause this is good.

The definition of likeness: the fact or quality of being alike; resemblance
The definition of image: a person or thing that closely resembles another.

Don’t sell yourself short. If you have been…STOP. You were created in the image of God himself. When we criticize ourselves, we are criticizing God. I know you are thinking to yourself I am being a little bit crazy, but it is the truth, my friend. He just didn’t create you…when he was finished, He blessed you! We walk around as Christians feeling worthless and discarded as junk because this world wants us to have those thoughts of inadequacy. If we don’t grasp just how valuable we are to our Heavenly Father, then we will be quick to toss ourselves to the side and wait for the spiritual garbage to be taken out. 
No one can offer this world what YOU can!

When you look in the mirror before you walk out of the house or when you take a minute at work to check your hair…remember you were created in the likeness and image of The Creator of this universe. You are somebody. You are beautiful. No matter what this world says, God doesn’t make junk. You are blessed by the Father himself. Grab up everything you thought was worthless to God and use it for His glory! You can’t put a price tag on the awesomeness of serving Him to your fullest potential! When it comes to God…you are NOT FOR SALE!