A corner of creativity and inspiration


If you think about it, it’s kinda weird to think about God creating a bird like the ostrich. He has feathers like a bird, wings like a bird…but can’t fly. 
However, he can run up to 40 mph for extended periods of time, while other birds just prance and hop along the ground. The ostrich also doesn’t seem to care much about her eggs (burying them to be trampled upon) and sometimes will sacrifice her chicks to other ostrich parents. But in Job 39:17, God clearly states that he did not give the ostrich understanding…so this is probably why she acts the way she does when it comes to her eggs and babies. That’s the way she was created.

God describes in great detail in Chapter 39 several different animals, but the ostrich appealed to me because it reminded me about wisdom. It seems lately that everything I read in the Bible or about God points back to wisdom. Of course, I already know that wisdom comes from being in God’s Word, but I needed to be reminded that when I lack understanding about the ways of God, I can be reminded of how absurd the ostrich looks compared to His design. But is it truly absurd? God created her exactly the way He wanted her to be. 

God created us, just like all the animals of the earth, with a unique design. God’s wisdom in creating the ostrich can seem strange to our human minds, yet He is the same God that created us! We must trust His power, His design and His purpose. Just like creation at times, we don’t always understand WHY we are suffering (like Job has over many chapters) and it isn’t our place to understand it…we just need to remember WHO God is. Even though we see an animal with wings that can’t fly, God sees perfection in her…because He is her creator. Same goes for us. God sees perfection in you when the blood of Jesus is applied to your life. You will look different (absurd at times) to the world, but unlike the ostrich, you have access to wisdom that will definitely keep you “grounded”.
Job 39