Unraveling Testimony
Read today in 1 Kings about Solomon and his love for many women/wives (after God specifically told him to avoid this). This was the same Solomon that in earlier chapters was praising God and praying for the hearts of the people to be devoted to God and here he is turning his devotion to lots…
New Things…I’m liking the sound of that for 2018.
You may be in the wilderness right now, but there are blossoms coming. Hold onto your faith in Jesus and you will see Him manifest a beautiful rose from dry land! Rejoicing is coming. Isaiah 35:1“The wilderness and the dry land will be glad; the desert will rejoice and blossom like a rose.”
Selfish Pigs
I’ve been studying and reading in 1 Kings about Solomon and the building of God’s temple and the palace of Solomon. Did you know that Solomon spent 7 years building God’s temple, but 13 years building his palace? Now, I’m not saying that Solomon was selfish, but he had specifically asked God for wisdom and…
Digest His Blessings
There’s nothing better than a juicy cheeseburger, greasy fries and a soda…That’s exactly how I feel about my Jesus. Ain’t nothing any better than sitting down to feed on His Word and digest the blessings I find on each page. I never leave His table empty! He is my portion and He is always enough!…
Genesis 3
Today I started reading the Chronological Bible and of course it begins in Genesis. I read and re-read Chapter 3 and studied numerous commentaries about the fall of mankind. This year, my goal is to soak up the Word of God like never before…I want to dive deep…soaking it up. I hope you will join…