Got someone in your life that should open a laundromat because they are so wishy-washy? They can’t commit, make a decision and when it comes to their walk with the Lord, they are even more afraid to stand on the Word because it may offend someone. Maybe that’s you? I’ve been there before. If we…
Do you ever feel swamped…like you are just bailing water out of your boat and fearful that you are eventually going to sink? Here lately that’s how I have felt. As I was reading this morning in Mark 4:35-41, about Jesus calming the wind/waves, the words of verse 37 jumped out of me in the…
Mustard Seed
I’m quite obsessed with mustard seeds at the moment. I have been reading on them, studying them for over a week and how they relate to my faith and the kingdom of God. They are mentioned five times in the Bible regarding those subjects and I was just intrigued as I have continued reading in…
The Ugly Chair
I was at the ball-field a few weeks ago watching my youngest play baseball and this older gentlemen was sitting beside me in one of those old-school folding chairs that can be positioned on either end. It’s this crazy, rainbow-striped pattern…quite eye-catching. As he was sitting there watching the game, I commented on how he…
Good Ground
Have you ever bought a bag of potting soil? It contains beautiful, dark, moisture rich soil that we use to plant our flowers in cute little containers for the front porch and/or to enrich the existing soil in our yard. Well, have you ever noticed those little white balls in the soil? They look like…
Thorny Ground
We have talked about two other “soils” that have been unfruitful, yet there is one more. The thorny ground. The mental picture I get is one of walking through the woods at my dad’s and constantly have to watch for briars and thorns intermingled with the occasional little green plant. They are somewhat hidden and…