A corner of creativity and inspiration

  • Rejoice in Regret

    Taking what life throws at you and growing into a better person is what I desire. Often times, we have good intentions that aren’t put into actions. The past couple of weeks for me have been one of learning from good intentions. I worked with Judy for about ten years when I was in Human…

  • Accepting Imperfection

    I don’t know how many times I have been in a paint class and heard someone say, “My painting doesn’t look like yours, it looks awful”…or at least something similar to that. I do it with my own paintings, but I am used to the mistakes. I know, because while painting I’ve made mistakes on…

  • Blessings and Boils

    The Chronological Bible put me in Job after Genesis. (Insert rolling eyes here)I know that sounds horrible, but I just read Job in the fall of 2017 in its entirety and I struggled through it. God has a sense of humor, but he also knows what we need when we need it. I can remember…

  • Mixed up?

    The last thing I wrote in my notes during evening service was, “Be careful about doing what is right in your eyes.” I wrote down several scripture references, but the one that I felt drawn to was Judges 17:6…”In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did as they saw fit.” Basically, everyone…

  • Confetti

    I am the person that cares what people think. I always want to leave a good impression…I want people to like me. I guess that’s just the perfectionist side of me. I was always taught, put your best foot forward, always strive for excellence and never let anyone see you cry, even if you are…

  • Tree of Life

    Trusting God.Now that’s so simple, huh? We say we do, but in reality we are very quick to lose faith when we don’t understand His ways or His plans. I am constantly repeating in my head to God…”Just give me what I need Lord and a fresh perspective on Your Word. Help me to understand…

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