Pig Pen
In reading my devotion this morning, there was a quote by my friend (that doesn’t know she’s my friend) Lysa TerKeurst that said, “we can trust God with our dust.” The key scripture was in Jeremiah, but she referenced when God formed man from the dust in Genesis 2:7. I immediately got this picture of…
Yesterday during Sunday School and worship service there was mention of the church of Laodecia in Revelation (3:14-22). I always pray and ask God to give me something to take away from the sermon to apply to my week. Since Laodecia was mentioned twice, I figured I would do a little reading today to see…
As I sit on the couch, drinking my coffee with floating leftover marshmallows from my sweet potato casserole and waiting on the oven to preheat, I started thinking of all the things for which I am thankful. There are so many wonderful things, you know? But, I do have one thing that I can’t get…
Before I eat some turkey tomorrow, I want to digest His love for us. Psalm 100 is a psalm of Thanksgiving that emphasizes the joy of praising the Lord. Praising Him…Lord knows I need to do it more, ‘cause He is worthy!Oh how grateful I am for His goodness, love and faithfulness! As we gobble…
Blessing Alert!
Last night during church, there was a quote said by the preacher that flooded me with emotions. He said: “The blessing is always bigger than the battle.” Let’s go back to the beginning of November 2017…I had been in battle for a very long time with not just myself, but those around me. I finally…
Be Well
Headache: 1Ashlee: 0 As I sit and think how bad I feel with this headache, just trying to get through reading and sipping my coffee, there are others out there fighting battles I can’t imagine…swinging swords I have never had to lift. I pray that I am always sensitive to those around me, even when…