A corner of creativity and inspiration

  • The Backpack

    How often do we try to carry our burdens around with us without asking the Lord to help us? The devil is good at using our feelings/burdens to steal our joy and have us walking hunched over by the weight. Take your backpack of burdens and give it to Jesus. Don’t try to get through…

  • No Bull

    The cattle on a thousand hills are God’s. So as you go about your Friday, remember that if he owns the beasts of the forest, the cattle on the hills, the birds of the air and the insects on the ground…He will take care of you!  If you have placed your faith and trust in…

  • Harvest

    Our first harvest from Tanner’s little box garden in the backyard. I know what you are thinking…thank goodness the world doesn’t rely on Tanner’s gardening skills! These puny little okra are probably the strongest vegetables I know. They have survived on very little water…just that of the occasional (and I use that term very literally)…

  • Worry

    My sweet Tucker has a 9-year old body, but the heart and mind of someone who is 39. He is so smart. I know all parents say that about their kids, but he truly is quite brilliant. Over the last several weeks, he has struggled with separation anxiety and extreme worry. The crazy part is,…

  • Spiritual Vampires

    A few weeks ago, my pastor made a statement about “spiritual vampires”. Those people that love to “suck the life” out of you. They want to just spread their poison in you and weaken your faith. I jotted those words down on the back of my bulletin and knew I would come back to them….

  • Fly…always

    “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and…

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