Sometimes God asks you to go through some tough things on this side of eternity. I have learned through the tough times to trust in Him more. With gaining that trust, you lose fear…you become stronger in your faith…a warrior. So many stories in the Bible, you see God preparing a way for people through a…
Lost without Him
“I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved and will come in and go out and find pasture.” -John 10:9 I am the good shepherd. I know My own sheep, and they know Me, as the Father knows Me, and I know the Father. I lay down My life for…
No Favors
Sometimes we just want God to “do us a solid”…or “give us a break”…because we have been faithful to Him, just like Hezekiah the King. We pray, we seek His counsel, but we still feel like we are left in a dire straits with no explanation. We get a little prideful and forget where God…
So many times we try to fight our own battles…or maybe that’s just me?!?! Hezekiah was a king that turned to The King. He knew that God was The One that could deliver him from the terror of the Assyrians. He refused to surrender Jerusalem because he knew that God was fighting for him…he turned…
Sunday morning the pastor made a reference to 1 Timothy 1:19 about Hymenaeus and Alexander being shipwrecked in their faith. When he said it, I tagged my Bible so I could go back and read a little more on them, because I like the analogy. I feel like I have been shipwrecked in my walk…
Spiritual Decline
“Spiritual decline is a slippery slope. It all starts when we stop looking and listening to God and start watching and imitating the world.” -Krista Williams I am not saying I am going to be like Ahaz (2 Kings 16) and throw my child into a fire to sacrifice him because I am worshipping false gods…