Philemon (Part 2)
I think we forget that if we are going to call ourselves “believers” and/or “Christians” that we have to look a little different and act a little different. Not just a little bit, either. We have to look completely different… Transformed. Renewed. Radical. Last night we were in a different scripture at church, but there…
Philemon (Part 1)
Imagine the scene: A runaway slave (Onesimus) that met Paul on house arrest, came to Christ and was sent back to his master, Philemon…but not as a slave, but as a friend, an equal partner sharing in the gift of God’s grace and love. This tiny book of the Bible written by Paul never mentions…
Anniversary Weekend
In honor of our first anniversary coming up this weekend… …and to the man who has shown me and the boys true love each and everyday. I am so blessed and thankful for you, Kevin Canipe. You display the heart, attitude and mind of Christ in front of us each day and I am honored…
Stagger Not!
Remember when you put on your first pair of high heels? I don’t remember exactly, but I do remember a few times turning over my ankle or walking like a newborn baby giraffe when I first started wearing them. Why? Because we aren’t used to walking that way. It’s unfamiliar. Often times, unfamiliarity comes with…
Ruth (Part 6)
Just as Boaz redeemed Ruth by taking her as his bride, we are the bride of Christ. Redeemed. Rescued. Saved. We have been called. We are His. Do not fear. I love those words from Isaiah that translate so well to the book of Ruth. It’s like I can hear Boaz saying, just as Jesus…
Ruth (Part 5)
I wasn’t sure where God wanted me to go this morning, but as I opened my Bible to glance back at the book of Ruth and my drawings from last week I found two empty pages at the end of the book that needed filling. I felt like God was saying to me, “There’s more”,…