A corner of creativity and inspiration

Pig Pen

In reading my devotion this morning, there was a quote by my friend (that doesn’t know she’s my friend) Lysa TerKeurst that said, “we can trust God with our dust.” The key scripture was in Jeremiah, but she referenced when God formed man from the dust in Genesis 2:7. I immediately got this picture of Pig Pen from Charlie Brown. You know the little guy always covered in a cloud of dust. It followed him wherever he went. Even in his attempts to try to be clean, he always seemed to get back dirty. He was always one of my favorites with those swirling lines and dots around him! 

I love that God used dust to form man. How amazing that something so simple, could be used to form the intricate details of the human being. Dust is almost useless, but when combined with the breath of God, something purposeful is made. Us…you and me! Believe it or not, we are all made with a purpose! The best part is, God can use the dust in our lives…the mundane parts of everyday living or those things that we wish we could shake off, but can’t, to be transforming in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

Trusting God with the “dust” of our lives isn’t easy, I know. Most of the time we like to sweep it under the rug or take it out with yesterday’s garbage, ‘cause it makes us feel unworthy and dirty…but often times our dust is just piled up waiting to be used for something glorious! Got a little dust following you around? Don’t shake it off! In this world, there will always be clouds of dust that try to dim the light within you…as long as you are alive, problems will come. Embrace that dust like my pal, Pig Pen and let God use it to bring Him glory!