I’ve been reading in Daniel over the week, when I wasn’t in bed coughing up a lung and removing razor blades from my throat. If you aren’t familiar, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that he could not interpret and he was getting frustrated because he didn’t know what it meant. Based on the scriptures it seemed he forgot the dream all together and was trying to recall what it was, along with what it meant. No one could seem to tell him and he was getting pretty irate and was ordering executions of men because of it. Sheesh…this dude didn’t play around. He was serious about his dreams. Well, our man Daniel was in that execution order, too. So, he asked if the king’s officer, Arioch, why the situation was so harsh, which in turn sent Daniel to Nebuchadnezzar and asked him for some time to be able to interpret the dream.
What I like next is that Daniel went straight to his friends and said, “Let’s pray.” He didn’t say, “Let me get some opinions from y’all” or “What do you think I should do?”. He inquired of the Lord. Daniel and his friends asked for mercy concerning the mystery, so that they would not be killed. Now, I love what happens next! The Bible says, the mystery was then revealed to Daniel in a vision at night and he praised God.
The revelation only happened after he prayed! I think sometimes we want revelation for things in our life, yet we have a responsibility to pray and seek God, just like Daniel. If we seek God earnestly…ask…we shall receive (Matthew 7:7-8, Matthew 21:22). The door of revelation for everything that God has for you is waiting for you to take responsibility and open it! Daniel didn’t know the answers, but he knew where to find them and he knew Who had them! He had the faith that if he went to God in prayer that God would reveal to him the dream of Nebuchadnezzar.
Let’s live in that faith today. Faith that when we pray, then God will answer. Trust Him today for something you’ve been praying about.
He has an answer for you!