A corner of creativity and inspiration

Psalm 86

As I read through Psalm 86 today, I couldn’t help but be drawn to the words in verse 10:

“For You are great and perform wonders; You alone are God.”

I decided to take out my calendar and write it on this week’s pages as a reminder of a pretty awesome week. God has blessed me tremendously over the last several weeks and I am so thankful. I have seen Him do some amazing things for me at work, at home and several prayers answered! I’m humbled at what God can do when we pray for Him to use us for His glory! He puts people and situations in our path and we must be willing to put Him above ourselves! I love being able to say to those around me, “It’s not me…it’s God.

Oh, He is so great. He performs wonders, friend.

I have been preparing all day for a hand-lettering class at the studio, so I figured I could use a little more practice before teaching… 😂

Maybe you need to be reminded that God is great and He is able to perform amazing things…wonderful things…in your life today.