In a world where “self” reigns supreme most days, it is good to be reminded that “our Lord reigns”! As I was reading about the holiness of our God, I was in awe of his greatness, majesty and magnificence! I became overwhelmed as I thought of the power that comes from our Father in heaven. However, I think we forget that we possess this same power through the Holy Spirit that lives within each and every believer. We forget that we can do great and mighty things through Him! The miracles of God did not stop when Jesus returned to heaven…I believe we just refuse to tap into the power that lay dormant within us most days! We are holy, because of what Christ did for us…and just as the earth can be moved by God’s presence, we have the ability to move mountains in our own lives through His power!
I am holy, because He is holy.
I have a crown of righteousness, because He wore a crown of thorns.
There are miracles in the waiting for us, sister. Let’s move mountains and watch the earth quake at the greatness of our God!