We pursue a lot of things in life. Today, I’m pursuing a clean house…but it’s gonna take a lot of work to get me there and sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee isn’t gonna get it done! But seriously, how often are we like Judah in Jeremiah 3…pursuing things that aren’t Godly? They were worshipping Baal and serving idols instead of the one true God even after they seen the sins and punishment of Israel! They should have known better! Judah decided to follow the same path as Israel and walk this fine line of trying to serve God and Baal. That don’t work. It was like they loved God, but they wanted to cover up their sin by removing the visible evidence, but their loyalty was not with the Lord. He wants all of us and all of our life. Unfortunately, we can’t love God and love this world…it’s like wearing two socks that don’t match…it just doesn’t feel right, if you are a child of God. Even when no one else knows because your shoes cover them up, you know and if you are like me…it bothers you. Also, God sees past the “cover-up”…He knows your spiritual socks don’t match….that even when the visible evidence is hiding in your boots, it’s still there. And just like with Judah, He sees our heart. We can’t hide that.
I try to often take a look at my actions and what consumes my time…that is a good indication of where my priorities are. Sometimes, I still have to re-evaluate what is important and tell myself that in the grand scheme of life, things such as a clean house are not important. There will always be laundry. However, there may not always be a day when I can tell about Jesus or how richly blessed I am through His amazing grace. I know some on my friends list may get tired of seeing my “Jesus posts”…but I love being able to take something, like Facebook, that can be filled with so much negativity and show some light and love as you are scrolling through your timeline. Just ask my kids, I fail everyday…like this morning as we hunted two socks that match from the bottom of the laundry basket. I know I ain’t the only mama that despises mating socks, am I?
Reading through Chapter 3 this morning gave me a renewed sense of urgency in making sure that I am pursuing those things that will last in my eternal home…honoring God with all aspects of my life and pointing others to The One that is unfailing in His love for you and me! Even if our socks don’t match, let’s make sure that our hearts match the heart of God and that what’s important to God, is important to us!