A corner of creativity and inspiration


“Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” -Matthew 11:28

Why do we try to carry our burdens alone? Is it a “Mama thing”? I know God is bigger than me and can do mighty things if I will just lay my burdens at His feet, yet I still try to work around asking for God because I’m proud. I don’t want to be the Christian that is always “asking in prayer”. The last few weeks have been so busy for me at work, at home and just trying to juggle life and all it has thrown at me. I try to fit everything in and I have a hard time saying, “No.” 🤦‍♀️ When life gets busy for me, I hate to say it but my prayer life gets shifted to, “I will pray this evening before bed” and then as soon as I hit the pillow I’m asleep. Then the crazy cycle continues the next day! Anyone know where I’m coming from?

This morning, I don’t have to rush to be anywhere and I am just trying to rest in Jesus. Talking to Him and trusting Him to take care of the details…to work out the items on my agenda. As I sit in my bed, propped up on my pillows, I’m trying not to meditate on how many burdens I am carrying, but how much rest is in Jesus. He will work everything out. I’m just going to be still, chat with The Savior and trust that I will get more accomplished resting in Him than I will running around myself. Mamas, we don’t have to do it all, we just need to give it all to Jesus.