A corner of creativity and inspiration


This evening I got intrigued by the mention of Rhoda in Acts 12. She was a servant girl that went to the door of Mary’s house when someone knocked. It just so happened that the someone knocking was Peter, who had just been delivered from prison by an angel of the Lord that appeared to Him. Based on the way scripture reads, the people in Mary’s house had been gathered in prayer for Peter to be rescued from prison. They had faith that he could be saved through their prayers, but when Rhoda goes to the door she gets so excited that she hears his voice and runs back to tell others in the house leaving him outside the gate. When she goes back to tell everyone he’s at the door, they don’t believe her and in today’s terms they were like, “Girl, you crazy!”

Everyone else was saying, “it’s his angel!” and Rhoda kept insisting he was out there until they open the door and see it for themselves. They were all shocked and I can hear them saying, “Peter get your tail in this house and tell us the story of how you got out of prison”!”…’cause you know we love knowing a good story! He tells them how The Lord got him out of prison and then said, “tell James and the brothers”…then he dipped. He left and the scripture said he went to another place.

Okay…I went through this story to say this:

How many times have we prayed and knew that God was capable of working a miracle in our lives, yet when that miracle happens we want to be like, “it can’t be…no way…I can’t believe it.” We pray and trust God for the impossible, yet we will insist that people are crazy when we call things a “miracle”.

I’m here to tell you right now that I wake up everyday expecting a miracle in the lives of people and situations that I pray about. I know the God I serve is able to do above what I could ever think or imagine. He makes the impossible look easy. He is a miracle worker and a literal chain-breaker…just like He did for Peter in prison. Welcome those miracles in your house, friend. Don’t pray for something and then let other people’s doubts keep you from what you know to be true! Oh yeah…tell everyone else what He’s done, too. Don’t keep it to yourself.

Most importantly…

If you gonna pray for it, believe for it.