When we have roots of perseverance through the storms of life, we gain new perspective on why we must face trials and suffering. Job knew that there was a reward for his faithful obedience. I imagine that he felt like “a rose among the thorns”, so to speak. He was rejected by His friends, mocked and even said to be cursed by God (verse 9-10).
The question in Job’s mind and that we sometimes ask ourselves is, “Why does God seem to be silent in times of suffering?” He isn’t silent. He is building up your roots. He is getting you ready to bloom when the rain stops and the sun comes out from behind the clouds . Without the roots of perseverance in the soil of the Holy Spirit, we would wither and die after our suffering is over. If God can’t trust us in the bad times to be faithful to Him, how can we be trusted to lose the sweet aroma of Jesus in the good times?
You will bloom again. Good things can and will come from the suffering in this life. Don’t be afraid to trust Jesus to give you a garden full of blooms that remind you of where God has brought you from…hope in a Savior that is always pruning us to be more like Him, The [beautiful] Rose of Sharon.
Job 30