Just sharing a few scriptures I am going to be repeating to myself over the coming days…
Maybe you need them, too…I dunno…we all can use a little more TRUTH going into our minds and hearts. I’m normally not a worrier, but these last few days have been especially troubling…maybe you know what I mean?
Philippians 4:6-7
Psalm 23:4
Psalm 56:3
Hebrews 13:6
Matthew 6:34
I wrote them down so I can read them whenever I start to feel anxious.
I trust in You Lord with all my heart and lean not on my understanding…because Your peace transcends all understanding. In all my ways I will acknowledge You and You will make my way straight before me…because even in the darkest valley, You are there. I stagger not at the promises of God, but am fully persuaded that what You have promised, You are well able to perform in my life…because I can boldly say You, O Lord, are my helper. I will not grow weary in well-doing because in due season, I shall reap when I faint not…therefore I shall not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.