I finished reading my girl Lysa’s latest book yesterday. I underlined so much in this book and highlighted in just about every page. This book is anointed with so much truth that anyone going through a tough time can glean from and be drawn closer to the Savior. I am not particular facing a trial at this moment, but as I read the pages I was flooded with memories of a time in my life where I chose to draw near to God when I felt like my world was crumbling apart. I’ve had numerous people ask me, “How did you do it?” My response was always, “God.” I just focused all my attention on Him, and sat at His feet asking for discernment, wisdom, which step I should take next and when I just needed to sit down and shut up. Today, sitting on the other side, I can see how God was with me and kept me from throwing myself off a ledge many, many times. He was so very faithful and my faith was strengthened because of that trial.
Today, my reading was in Proverbs 20, but I just didn’t feel led to share that. I was flipping through the pages to refresh my brain on what I read yesterday and these underlined words spoke to the depths of my soul in the quiet of the fifth-grade classroom I find myself sitting.
Find your Bible and read Psalm 19:14.
Read it again.
“Yes, the words of the mouth and the meditation of my heart must be pleasing to the Lord. And this can only happen when I align my words, thoughts and desires with Scripture. We must not forget that our soul hunger can only be satisfied by daily doses of truth, otherwise we will be prone to snack on deception.” Lysa T.
I took out my pencils and added some snacks on the pages.
- Twisted pretzels
- Sweet candy
- Salty peanuts
- Crunchy chips of deception
- A little sip of Satan’s soda
How does this pertain to the Bible, you ask? Let me explain. God’s Word will never leave you twisted. The enemy will twist the scriptures, twist your way of thinking and have you confused, questioning and struggling in your faith. Don’t take another bite of the twisted tales of Satan. Get it straight…get the truth from the Word.
Oh, isn’t deception sort of sweet in the beginning? You’re not hurting anyone, right? Well, don’t be fooled…eventually that deception from Satan will suck the life out of you! Satan paints a beautiful picture of a fully stocked table of sweet treats, but I promise you will end up with a bellyache. God’s Word has a sweet savor that lasts. God even says so in Psalm 119:103, “How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”
Maybe you like salty snacks. Have you ever noticed the further you get away from God your attitude becomes a little salty…in today’s lingo, bitter. Trust me, I am living proof that if I had not stayed in God’s Word through my tough trials, I would carry around a bitter heart and spirit. That’s what Satan wants. When your heart is cold, you can’t be effective for The Kingdom.
For the love of potato chips! I love all kinds, my friend! But, have you ever noticed when you buy a bag of chips and you open them you find there’s more air than chips? You end up a little deflated, huh? Well, that’s how Satan works. He will have you thinking that you have gotten something full and Godly, but it’s quite the contrast, sister! He is full of deception! It’s his number one trick. From the outside it looks fulfilling, but when you start digging in…you come up short every time!
Now, we gotta have something to drink, right? I don’t know about you, but I am one of those people that just doesn’t get my thirst quenched unless I drink water. Soda just doesn’t quench my parched mouth. Well, when we choose to listen to the lies of Satan, it’s like we are constantly chugging soda but are still thirsty. There’s no relief from thirst. God offers water…Living Water…and all who drink it will never be thirsty. (See John 14:4) Fill up your cup with Jesus and His Word. I can assure you that your soul will feel so refreshed with each and every sip!
I am so thankful for God’s Word. It’s not a snack from the enemy that will leave me hungry in a couple of hours, but it satisfies me time and time again! Without it our souls will starve. Thank you Lord for your constant supply of “hearty food for my soul” that will never spoil, rot or expire!