“Spiritual decline is a slippery slope. It all starts when we stop looking and listening to God and start watching and imitating the world.”
-Krista Williams
I am not saying I am going to be like Ahaz (2 Kings 16) and throw my child into a fire to sacrifice him because I am worshipping false gods to fit in with those around me.
Me, I have always been different…trying not to imitate the world or those around me. I like being different. You can call it weird, unusual, crazy…none of those terms really bother me honestly. I teach my children that being different is okay, because that’s the way God made them.
I also love the quote above about spiritual decline. The spiritual decline of our world and our hearts as Christian is just like a slippery ski slope. We start out on the “bunny slope”…testing the waters of sin with things that seem okay, but aren’t really “bad” in our eyes…but aren’t pleasing to God. Then, we decide to go up a little higher on the mountain to see how good we are at controlling our “sin skis” because the bunny slope doesn’t satisfy us anymore. It’s a slippery slope that usually ends up with us in a mangled mess buried under an avalanche of consequences from our poor decisions. It’s easy to allow this world to take control of our lives, because we are born into sin…but more times than not, being a follower of Christ requires us to ride the chair-lift of Christ and not get off on a slope that doesn’t line up with the word of God and His promises to us as His children. Yes, it’s difficult when you feel like you are alone on that ride…but trust me, Christ is with you in that lift…and your ride down the slope is a lot less slippery!