Do you ever feel swamped…like you are just bailing water out of your boat and fearful that you are eventually going to sink? Here lately that’s how I have felt. As I was reading this morning in Mark 4:35-41, about Jesus calming the wind/waves, the words of verse 37 jumped out of me in the translation I was reading.
“A fierce windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking over the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped.”
If you’re familiar with this story, we know where Jesus was at…He was asleep at the stern (the back of the boat). When the disciples went to Him scared and afraid of dying, we know He rebuked the wind and told the sea to be quiet. He then asked the disciples, “Why are you scared?” and “Do you still have no faith?”
As I was reading, I always try to relate what I read to my life in the moment…because that is how we should the present. Well, this is my now:
I am swamped. I’m shoveling buckets of water from my boat. Right. Now. I’m exhausted. I never take naps and I have taken a nap everyday for the last two weeks. I’m ready for the winds to calm down and the waves to be still. Am I alone? If I had to guess…probably not. I’m sure you are right beside me in your own boat shoveling out your own water. Don’t get me wrong…I am blessed and thankful for my family and friends, but as I was running around frustrated last night I looked at my sweet husband and said, “It is something all the time…I just wanted to enjoy a quiet evening, but the devil knows what buttons to push!” Now, if you have met my hubby, you know he is a man of few words, but when he speaks I listen. He gave me some wise advice…and then said, “Come sit with me.” Gah lay, I love that man!
Now, as I got up this morning and read God’s Word, I am reminded about our conversation last night and then God spoke to my heart…
“Don’t worry about the buckets of water you are bailing, my child. Focus your attention on the back of the boat…the stern…it is made to not let water in the vessel. That is where you will find Me. I’m not helping you to throw water over the side in a frenzy, I am resting. I know your faith is strong, because I have seen it displayed, so don’t get scared now…just look out at the waves and tell the winds to cease! You aren’t going to die, I am just moving you to the other side of the water, where you will see once again how I have sustained you. Drop your bucket and come rest your head…sit with me.”
I’m headed to the other side of the sea. I’m speaking to the wind this morning and reminding it of who is in control. I’m not gonna focus on the problems or invest in their drama…that’s what the devil wants. He wants us so wrapped up in bailing water from our boats, that we can’t see our Savior resting at the stern. If Jesus can rest, so can we friend. Remember, you are going to die, you are just going to a better place in your faith.
(Eventually I will add color…but a shower for this mama is needed more)