A corner of creativity and inspiration

“The Big Cheese”

Job had continuously complained that God didn’t hear his cries. He longed for God to just answer him. Elihu in Chapter 33 tells Job that God is still speaking…maybe a little quieter or even through suffering circumstances in an attempt to maybe warn us, put our pride in check and to preserve our lives from perishing into an everlasting hell. Most of the time, we are too busy trying to outtalk each other (like Job and his friends) or blame God because He is silent. But is He ever really silent? 

In my opinion, absolutely not. Sometimes He is quiet…like a church mouse. Waiting and listening. By nature, mice are quiet creatures…but when you are a church mouse, you are even more quiet, because you are reverent and paying attention to the Words from God from the preacher (or should be). When God is quiet, He is listening even closer for us to call out to Him. For us to turn to Him and lean not on our own understanding, which usually sends us straight for the rat trap! 

God is also “The Big Cheese”. The most important…above everything and everyone. His Holy Spirit (that lives within us) and His Word (The Bible) are a couple of “slices” that He uses to speak to us. Also, if you are going through this maze of life and wonder why God never speaks to you, maybe it’s because you don’t have Him within your heart or open His Word. You can’t say God is silent when your Bible has been closed. Silence isn’t always bad from God…’cause often He stays silent until we are ready to listen.

Just remember, God is still “The Big Cheese”, even when he is as quiet as a church mouse. He is sovereign even when He isn’t speaking. God thinks you’re grate (even when we aren’t)…and you cheddar not forget that even in your suffering He is still gouda. 

*apologies for the bad puns…I couldn’t resist.