A corner of creativity and inspiration

The Word

I left my Bible at church about 45 minutes away from me on Saturday night. I was speaking at a ladies engagement and laid it down with my notebook and didn’t realize I didn’t have it until I got home and the lady over the event called to let me know. She said she had been calling me since I left the church, but my phone was in the backseat on silent as we drove home.

That particular Bible has been with me through a lot of ups and downs over the last ten years. The cover is completely off and I just stick the bound pages inside of it and keep on going! It’s marked up and worn out, honestly. As I realized I didn’t have it with me, my heart sank a little bit. I wouldn’t have it for church the next day…or on Monday morning when I sat down to read. Now, I have about five other Bibles that I can use, but this one is special to me. I was going to miss not having it with me, until I could meet up with one of the ladies later in the week to get it back. I’m actually going this afternoon and am so excited to have it back home with me!

Now, some people may say, “it’s just a book.” “You have others, so why is it such a big deal?” “All Bibles say the same thing, Ashlee.” Yes, they do…but that Bible has been with me everywhere! It’s been on vacation, through divorce and death, honeymooning and just everyday life. As I was sitting and thinking about that, I thought it’s not the Bible that means so much I don’t guess…it’s just the representation of my God that I see on its pages when I open them up. Yes, I can get that from any Bible…but when I open up it’s pages I see drawings, notes and doodles that take me back to a place in time when my trust may have wavered, but God showed His faithfulness. Maybe it was a season of disappointment or hurt that I can now see His comfort and peace on the pages soaked with tears or drawings of despair. I look at those pages and know He never didn’t answer when I called upon Him. His phone isn’t on silent and He doesn’t miss anything in my life. I’m not “in the backseat” in His mind.

When I look at the Bible, I know that as much as it has traveled with me…God has been right there, too. He never leaves us nor forsakes us! Even more so, just because I didn’t have that Bible for a few days doesn’t mean God wasn’t with me. He doesn’t dwell on the pages of scripture, but in our hearts and lives through the Holy Spirit! He is our breath and life and Jesus is The Word that became flesh! As much as I love the Word of God when I read and study…my faith isn’t placed in a Bible, but in Jesus Christ! Sometimes I get caught up in wanting to know more about Him through His Word and there is nothing wrong with that…but He is with me, whether my Bible is or not. My relationship can’t be based on just knowing His Word…I must know Him! I guess that’s why it is so important to hide His words in our hearts. Of course to keep us from sin, but so when we don’t have access to His Holy Word in print, it is engraved in our soul!

Lord, thank you for your precious words written out for us to read and know more about you. But, thank you for living inside of us and speaking to our hearts as believers. Thank you for being there always…even when we may not have access to Your written words, you are working in us and through us…and wherever we go, you are always there. We may not be able to take our Bible with us everywhere, but we can always take YOU! Help me to know your Word better and better each day, so that I can know you more and more! You are good. You are great. Your words are sweet. Sweeter than honey.

I love that sometime years ago (early 2000s), this verse was highlighted in this Bible I have been reading until I get my other one back. I turned to Psalm 119 to read another verse, and couldn’t help but smile. The Word is alive…and it comes alive when we open the pages and read the words! Gah lay, Lord…you amaze me more and more everyday!