Ever had to train your hair to lay down a certain way? Well, if you haven’t, consider yourself blessed…because I have cowlicks all over this head of mine…and my boys managed to inherit them, too. They are untrainable honestly…you just have to live with them and get the right haircut that doesn’t try to fight it.
Thankfully, our souls aren’t like our often unruly hair…they are able to be trained. Now, if we choose to let our hair go “au-naturel”, we normally don’t end up looking like my sassy lady and her awesome afro…we look a hot mess…well, I know I do.
(I have always had a fascination with afros…maybe it’s a Bob Ross artsy thing or the fact of hair defying gravity, but they are the best in my opinion)
Anyways…Our souls in their natural state are a hot mess. We are born into sin and without God, we walk around with spiritual cowlicks…at odds with the style of our original design in the Garden. How can we tame ourselves? Through the Word! The Word of God has the power to save us, but also to train our spirit to bring forth and manifest everything that was contained within our Savior! The same power that was bottled up in Jesus is within us, we just have to train ourselves to acknowledge it, apply it to our lives through faith and accept the finished work that has already been done on Calvary! If we are continually renewing our minds like Romans 12:2 says, then we will not think like those without faith, who are unruly. We will be trained, transformed and tamed by the Holy Spirit. Everything we do will be based on our relationship with our Father and being a living sacrifice to Him.
There’s nothing wrong with embracing the natural hair you see in the mirror, but do not refuse to embrace the renewing of your mind for training the spiritual cowlicks in your life. It requires sacrifice and that can be difficult, but I can assure you that if your focus is on living for God, when you look in the mirror there will never be a hair out of place. Don’t try to fight the plan God has for your life, embrace the way He made you and what He has called you to do for the Kingdom…bad hair days, good hair days and everyday in between.