God knows that we are a lot like Gomer, Hosea’s wife. We are prone to wander. Over and over, our love and loyalty to God quickly evaporates and we have shallow confessions that only last for a short amount of time.
I have a picture in my bedroom with the quote, “Bind my wandering heart to thee.” If you aren’t familiar with it, it comes from the song, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”. Well, in reading Hosea (Chapter 6 today and thinking back to previous ones) how unrepentant we as Christian’s truly are, I thought about this quote and then being a little girl watching horses in the pastures at home. Growing up my dad always has at least two horses. You can’t ride a horse ‘til you “break it”, or train it to be ridden with a saddle. A well broke horse is one that is well trained and understands more than just the basics of go and whoa.
Aren’t we a lot like that horse that isn’t broke? We know whoa (no) and go (yes), but God wants more out of us than that. God tries to train us and mold us through lots of “training” through sound, Biblical preaching, studying of the Word on our own, prayer and then listening for Him to speak to us…but we are wanting to be like a stallion and do our own thing! We want to run wild through the pasture and refuse to be saddled with the Gospel and harnessed to God because it limits our free spirit. But, don’t forget how freeing it is, knowing you are living a life that is pleasing to The One that created you! When your heart is bridled to Jesus, you are free to roam in His goodness, grace and love!
I refuse to be like Israel and Judah and have a heart that is unrepentant and shallow to my sin. I want a heart that sees my sin, recognizes it, and comes to the trough for cleansing water from my Jesus!
Hosea 6:1-2 “Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him.”