In Proverbs 14 this morning and there are two opposing lifestyles described within the text. That of one who makes wise choices, walks with integrity and conforms to the Word of God. The other is the devious, foolish person who consistently turns away from the Lord.
On Wednesday evenings we have been looking at compromise, which is the opposite of faith. When we don’t have faith in God, we choose to compromise on the truths in His Word. We are convinced that we know better than God…so we don’t choose faith…which in turn leads to compromising! There is such a direct correlation between compromise and wisdom. If we are in God’s Word, seeking His will, compromise is not an option. But, when we choose to take our eyes off Him and the promises in His Word, we are quick to convince ourselves that one compromising action or thought will be okay. Compromise leads the way to sin…because you are accepting standards less than what God desires for you! You are going against His Word…His promises…His truth! “Compromise begins with leaving your first love for Jesus Christ, which leads to compromise, which leads ultimately to immorality, idolatry, and other sins.” -Greg Laurie
I like what The Message Bible says in Proverbs 14:8: “The wisdom of the wise keeps life on track; the foolishness of fools lands them in the ditch.”
I love the descriptive words used in this translation because it gives me a visual…and I learn better with visuals, as I’m sure you’re aware of that by now. The thought that came to my mind is a car driving on snowy, icy roads. Oh, how sin/compromise is a slippery road! We start out on that icy road of compromise quite slow usually. We are cautious with our compromises…little missteps…sliding just a little. When we get comfortable with how to maneuver those little skids across the ice, we increase our speed and get more confident in compromise. Before you know it, you are traveling so fast that you lose control and end up in a spiritual ditch! You lost control and as you are sitting on the side of the road thinking about how your lack of discernment and wisdom got you to that place, you can’t help but cry out to God to help you pull you out of your ditch. But here’s the thing…He is always there when we call out His name…but if we would have chosen to stay off that road, we wouldn’t need to trample on the grace and mercy of God! It’s readily available, but so is the abundance of staying on track with Him. You don’t have to worry about sliding in a spiritual ditch or making a wrong turn when you are living a life of obedience to God!God has so much to give His children…the promises are outlined so clearly within the Bible, yet we still choose foolish behavior at times. Choose to navigate God’s truth. It will keep you on track!