A corner of creativity and inspiration

Your name in the Word

I think sometimes when we read the Bible it’s hard to relate to a story that is being told or to understand what is being written or conveyed. We struggle to find how relevant a situation is to our current problem or struggle. If that’s you, here’s what I want you to do.

Go get your Bible and pretend you never seen it before and it is written specifically for you. Put your name in the sentences where it fits and personalize the stories every chance you get. That’s how we treat all those novels that we read, right? The good thing is, if you can transplant yourself into Northern England in the early nineteenth century when reading Jane Eyre, which are dead words with no life, you can most definitely transplant yourself into The Word of God, which is the same yesterday, today and forever. Each word has the power to pierce your inner being and produce growth and life. Any old book can’t do that, friend.

This morning as I sat in front of my Bible reading Jeremiah 29:11, I was reminded why I love this verse so much. It is on my studio doors, it hangs beside the front door of my house and I say it to myself often. Why? Because it’s personal to me. God told ME that He has plans for ME…to give me a hope and a future…to prosper ME.

The bestest (I know that’s not a real word) thing though? Those words are for you, too! Don’t just write The Word in your heart, write your name on the pages of your Bible and watch God work!

Your name is in the Word!